Loved reading this! So good

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Thank you so much 🤎🤎🤎🤎🪡🪡🪡🪡🪡

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"But I do like to believe that I try and that to me is crucial to the cycle." 🎯

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Love love love everything about this 💗 and relate so much. It feels so nice to find something special and send it to your friend, just “this made me think of you!” They don’t need to buy anything, they just get some fun insight on what you hold close about them

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nora, I think we need more of this! thank you for sharing your thoughts with us <3

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Such beautiful sentiments. Being inspired by others is good and natural and to deny it is a loss! I think it comes back to people’s need to be “original”, that they see themselves as less of a creative or a visionary if they admit that their work was inspired by someone else. Fabulous piece - I’ll be thinking about it a lot!

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And you’d be right to say that sister

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Loved this, and love your letter.

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Thank you Nora <33

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Nora <3 You're an angel

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You keep this connective thread going all the time with your care and heart. Beautiful words and honored I could edit them.

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This totally resonates with me! I LOVE treasure hunting because it brings me joy--just the act of looking is my meditation. And I love sharing that joy with others too. Thank you for sharing yours with me!

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i adore you

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i love this! more of this! thank you for the mention—you inspire ME

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literally zero need to apologise. love hearing more of your philosophy on life and fashion. everything is cyclical :)

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